1. For his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel, ___________has been regarded as “Father of the English Novel”.
A. Daniel Defoe B. Jonathan Swift
C. Henry Fielding D.Oliver Goldsmith
2. ___________ is the essence of the Renaissance.
A. Poetry B. Drama C. Humanism D. Reason
3.___________, a typical example of Old English poetry,is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons.
A. The Canterbury Tales B. Beowulf
C. Exodus D. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
4. Samson Agonistes by ___________ is the most perfect example of the verse drama after the Greek style in English.
A. John Milton B. William Blake
C. Henry Fielding D.William Wordsworth
5. Daniel Defoe describes ___________ as a typical English Middle- class man of the eighteenth century,the very prototype of the empire builder or the pioneer colonist.
A. Tom Jones B. Gulliver
C. Moll Flanders D. Robinson Crusoe
6. ___________ is a typical feature of Swift’s writings.
A. Bitter satire B. Elegant style
C. Casual narration D.Complicated sentence structure
7. Shelley’s greatest achievement is his four-act poetic drama ___________, which is an exultant work in praise of humankind’s potential.
A. Adonais B. Queen Mab
C. Prometheus Unbound D. A Defence of Poetry
8. Charles Dickens’ novel, ___________, is famous for its vivid descriptions of the work-house and life of the underworld in the nineteenth-century London.
A. The Pickwick Paper B. Oliver Twist
C. David Copperfield D. Nicholas Nickleby
9. Wordsworth’s ___________ is perhaps the most anthologized poem in English literature.
A. “To a Skylark” B. “I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud”
C. “An Evening Walk” D. “My Heart Leaps Up”
10. It is generally regarded that Keats’ s most important and mature poems are in the form of ___.
A. ode B. elegy C. epic D. sonnet
8.B【解析】狄更斯的作品都是从不同角度,揭露不同层面的社会阴暗面,而Oliver Twist所揭露的是当时作坊里使用和虐待童工的社会现实和阴暗。故选B。